Professor John Taplin


Formerly Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) of University of Adelaide.

Formerly Head of the University of Adelaide’s Department of Psychology.

Honorary Professor at Weifang Medical University in China.

During the last several decades, Professor John Taplin has been making a grate contribution to the communication and cooperation between Australia and China, developing more exchange and development between western and eastern culture.


阿德莱德大学心理学系前系主任 。

中国潍坊医科大学名誉教授 。

几十年来,John Taplin教授为澳中交流与合作做出了巨大贡献,促进了东西方文化的交流与发展。

Tiechuan Hu|胡铁川


Chairman of Sailing Overseas Group.Honorary Chairman of the Australian International Cultural Industries Association.Honorary President Australia China Friendship and Development Association Inc.Vice President of South Australia JiangSu Chamber of Commerce.Honorary President of South Australian JiangSu Chamber of Commerce.Vice president of Changzhou General Chamber of Commerce.Mr. Hu has the great passion in promoting more cultural and economic exchange and cooperation between Australia and China.



John Huang |⻩崇宠


Mr. Huang has been engaged in equity investment, hydropower、mining and financial businesses.

The founder and CEO of Golden Invest Australia is mainly engaged in international investment.

Founder and CEO of Australia Green Gold Energy (GGE), mainly engaged in the development of new energy power stations and EPC.

President of Australia-China Cultural Promotion Association.

New Entrepreneur Competition South Australia (NECSA) tutor.

澳洲Golden Invest 创始⼈及CEO 主营国际投资。
澳洲Green Gold Energy (GGE)创始⼈及CEO,主营新能源电站的开发及EPC。

James Guo |郭少雄

Vice President

Mr. Guo is the Managing Director of Auta Group. Since 2012, Auta Group has been providing one-stop real estate industry solution to Australia which is including project development,residential construction、 real estate agency and investment.

郭少雄先生是澳达集团的总裁。 ⾃2012 年以来,澳达集团⼀直为澳洲提供包括项⽬开发,住宅建设、房地产代理和投资在内的⼀站式房地产⾏业解⽅案。

Chao Wang|王超

Vice President

Co-founder of Yi Jun Creative & Tmatt Technology. He has been directly responsible for brand operations has included marketing, strategic brand development, digital marketing stagey through website design, graphic design, photography, video product and more. Chao has a broad skills base allowing us to specialize in a variety of design styles.

Yi Jun Creative & Tmatt 科技联合创始人。他直接负责品牌运营,包括营销、战略品牌开发、通过网站设计、平面设计、摄影、视频产品等进行的数字营销。

Tao Liu|刘涛

Vice President

Mr. Liu is founder of Australian United International Catering Group.
President SA Shanxi Chamber of Commerce Inc.


James Wu | 吴弘毅

Vice President

Mr. Wu is the founder of Lannister Group Pty Ltd.

The president of South Australian JiangSu Chamber of Commerce.

Chinatown Goodwill Ambassador Since 2018.

Committee Member of Jiangsu Overseas Exchange Association.



自 2018 起担任唐人街亲善大使。


Peiran Hu | 胡沛然

Vice President

Mr. Hu is a partner of Keylend, the largest economic loan company in South Australia.

Vice President of Hubei Association.

胡沛然先生是南澳最大经济贷款公司Keylend 合伙人


Wayne Chao | 曹伟

Vice President

Mr. Chao is the president of Gouger Street Traders Association Inc.
Vice President, Chinatown Adelaide South Australia Inc.
曹伟先⽣是Gouger Street 商家协会会⻓


Shelly Yu | 余露

Vice President

Miss. Yu is mainly engaged in private investment,her current main social position is the vice chairman of the Hubei Provincial Youth Committee and the Adelaide City Promotion Ambassador.

Shaowen Cui|崔绍文

Vice President

Miss. Cui is the CEO of Belvidere Winery- the largest winery in Well- Known wine region Langhorne Creek of South Australia.

Jason Huang | 黄嵩

Vice President

Mr. Huang (FCPA, CTA, GAICD) is the founder of C&J Accountants and Advisors (CJAA)located in Adelaide, South Australia. The firm is focusing and specialized in business migration,accounating and Taxation service. Mr. Huang and the team has deal with hundreds of 132,163, 188 business migrates in the last 15 years. Mr. Huang has more than 20 years experiencein Accounting and Auditing, before he setup his own firm, he used to work for Price water house Coopers (PWC) Accounting firm and Deloitte Accounting firm in both China and Australia.
Ms. Huang is Co-Founder of Green Gold Power Pty Ltd (GGP), which focus on newable energy assets, e.g. Build and holding Solar Farms and Battery Farms. 

GGP also has investingin all kinds of renewable energy assets.
Mr. Huang is the member of Pembroke School Foundation Board.
Mr. Huang is CPA Australia (SA) Divisional Councilor.
⻩嵩先⽣(FCPA, CTA, GAICD) 是位于南澳⼤利亚阿德莱德的 C&J Accountants and Advisors(CJAA) 的创始⼈. 该公司专注并专业于商业移⺠及⾼净值企业家的会计和税务服务. 在过去的 15 年中,⻩嵩先⽣和团队成功的为众多的 132、163、188 等类别的商业移⺠提供会计及税务服务. ⻩嵩先⽣ 拥有 超过20 年的会计和审计经验,在创办⾃⼰的公司之前,他曾在中国和澳⼤利亚的普华永道 (PWC) 会计师事务所和德勤(Deloitte)会计师事务所在⼯作。

⻩嵩先⽣是 Green Gold Power Pty Ltd (GGP) 的联合创始⼈,该公司专注于新能源资产,例如建造和持有太阳能农场和电池农场。
GGP 还投资于各种可再⽣能源资产。
⻩嵩先⽣是现任澳⼤利亚会计师公会 (SA) 分部委员。

Xiaojing Zhai | 翟晓静

Honorary Secretary

Miss. Zhai is the director of Aojin Migration & Education.

Professional Documentary Film Maker in Australia and China.

Having passion in community service.

Good at helping new migrants and international students to set up in SA.

Dedicate to promote more communication and cooperation between Australia and China.






Yanglei Chen|陈阳磊

Vice President

Managing Director of KaiPeng International Australia

Ray Fa| 法磊

Vice President

Executive Director of Adelaide School of Tourism and Business

Jiahui Zhao | 赵家辉

Vice President

Originally from Shandong China, many years of working experience in the internet、 finance and government sectors、migrated to Australia in 2012, MBA from the Business School of University of Melbourne.

Lecturer at the University of South Australia, researcher of the D2D group at the University of South Australia.

President, University of South Australia IT Council

Artificial Intelligence Senior Engineer, Vodafone Australia

Asia Business Development Manager, Vodafone Australia

New Entrepreneur Competition South Australia (NECSA) tutor.

Founder, Australia Yongtong Investment

International Promotor, City of Adelaide









Degang Liu | 刘得刚

Vice President

Director,Greenock Art Life Space Winemaker、CEO、 Greenock Estate

主理人   格林诺克(澳洲)艺术空间

酿酒师 CEO   格林诺克酒庄

Yong Dong | 董勇

Vice President

RJ Vineyard PTY LTD ,Chairman of RJ Vineyard PTY LTD
RJ 葡萄园有限公司董事⻓

Jing Li | 李晶

Vice President

Mr. Li is the member of SA Executive Service. Co-founder of Adelaide Sino Media (Adelaide BBS).

Served as Assistant Director, Investment Director、China Affairs Director and International Investment Director in the South Australian State Government.
李晶先⽣是南澳⼤利亚州政府⾼级⾏政⼈员,阿德莱德Sino Media (阿德莱德BBS )联合创始⼈。


Baocheng Wei|⻙保丞

Baocheng Wei is a professional Chinese language teacher, singer、and song writer.

He uses his original songs to promote languages learning and multiculturalism.



Xuan Tian | 田轩

Mr. Tian is the partner and project manager of Architectural Design Company, with millions of square meters of design experience.

He was employed by Lodge Construction and founded Solid Times pty ltd.


他受雇于 Lodge Construction并且创立了 Solid Times pty ltd。

Peng Wu | 吴鹏

Mr. Wu has started learning Chinese calligraphy since his early childhood.

And he is specialised in the style of YAN, LIU、OU、 and Wang Xizhi.

Mr Wu has been teaching kids and juvenile for over 15 years.

Most of the works have been rewarded nationally.






Bingchen Ye | 叶秉辰

Mr. Ye is the Globally-Renowned Martial artist,Action actor、Fight Choreographer.

Kungfu world champion .

“Help Bring Wushu into Olympic” International promotion ambassador .

Executive director – Australian Kungfu Cultural development Pty Ltd.

Founder – Australian Wu cultural media.






Tony Zheng | 郑重

Mr. Zheng is the manager of the Division of Academic and Student Engagement the University of Adelaide, responsible for international development and partnerships.


Christine Brzezniak

Committee Member

Director of Cross Road Dental Care

Cross Road 牙科保健总监

Yanyan | 燕燕

Director of Entrepreneurial Partner of Guangdong Yueming Education Group. Chairman of Zhengzhou Jinshengtai Catering Management Co., Ltd.

Director of Henan Zhepintang Catering Management Co., Ltd.

Chairman of Anhui Jinshengtai Catering Management Co., Ltd.





Expert Advisory Group

Wei Zhang|张威

Member of Chinese Artists Association, Director of Xinjiang Branch of Chinese Art Association. Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Fine Arts Editor of “Xinjiang Daily”. Under the tutelage of Wu Guanzhong, Luo Gongliu, Li Keran, Xiao Shufang and others, he is a professional oil painting master at Xinjiang Academy of Fine Arts.

中国美术家协会会员 ,中国美术协会新疆分会理事,毕业于北京中央美术学院.《新疆日报》主编。师从吴冠中,罗工柳,李可染,萧淑芳等人,新疆美术画院职业油画大师。

Lianyi Sima|司马连义

Member of the Association of Chinese Artists, National First-Class Master of Fine Arts, Vice President of the National Friendship Painting Academy, Space of China Academy of Art, Gold Medal of China Art Fair, Art Association of Changzhou Academy of Painting and Calligraphy.

中国美术家协会会会员,国家一级美术大师, 国家友好画院副院长, 中国艺术研究院研究员,中国艺术博览会金奖, 常州书画院副院长美协副主席。

Yishi Zheng | 郑一石

Chairman of the Chinese Oil Painting Art Association, Member of the Chinese ArtistsAssociation、Member of the Chinese Photographers Association、Chinese cultural and artistic master.

Served as the production director of 《People Weaving the Rainbow》、 screenwriter. Compiled famous TV series such as 《Genghis Khan》, 《Journey to the West》and 《Khitan Dynast》.

中国油画艺术协会主席,中国美术家协会会员、 中国摄影家协会会员、中国文化艺术名家。担任《编织彩虹的人们》制片主任、编剧. 编写《成吉思汗》《传经西游记》《契丹王朝》等著名电视连续剧。

Youzhen Jiang | 江佑振

Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association. Chinese first-class calligrapher、Outstanding artist. Deputy Dean of Shanghai “Ink Painting and Calligraphy” Academy of Painting and Calligraphy. Specially invited artist at the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute in Sydney, Australia,CCTV one of the top ten contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting figures.

中国书法家协会会员. 中国一级书法家、杰出艺术家. 上海“水墨青丹”书画院副院长。 澳洲悉尼中国书画院特邀艺术家,CCTV一中国当代十大书画风云人物。

Fei Teng | 滕飞

China National First-Class Artist. chairman of Australia-China Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Association、Dean of Australian Chinese Painting and Calligraphy、Deputy Chairman and reporter of the International Chinese Culture Federation of Australian Chinese Culture Disseminators.

中国国家一级美术师。 澳中书画艺术交流协会主席、澳洲中国书画院长院长、澳大利亚中华文化传播者国际中文文化联合会副主席、记者。


Yongxu Huang | 黄永旭

Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Calligraphy and calligraphy art critic.Director and editor-in-chief of the editorial department of “Chinese Painting and Calligraphy” by China Fine Arts Publishing House and People’s Fine Arts Publishing House.Art critic at the Chinese Academy of Ethnic Painting and Calligraphy.

中国书法家协会会员, 书法书画艺术评论家。



Zhiwei Yang | 杨志唯

Chairman of the Australian International Cultural Industries Association. Director of the Museum of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage in Sydney、Executive Chairman of Australia-China People’s Friendship Association、Executive Vice President of Australia China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification.、Vice President of World Chinese News Australia World Chinese News.

澳大利亚国际文化产业协会主席. 悉尼中国非物质文化遗产馆馆长、 澳中人民友好协会执行主席、澳洲中国和平统一促进会常务副会长、澳大利亚世界华人报世界华人网副社长。

Nengxiang Zhu | 竺能祥

Member of Anhui Art Association, Member of Anhui Calligraphers Association Senior Calligraphy Master.


Jiguang Xie | 谢济光

Member of Fujian Art Painting and Calligraphy Association、Chinese television artist、Member of the Chinese Photographers Association、Researcher of Calligraphy and Painting Creation of the Local Art Association of the Chinese Ministry of Culture.


Patrick Wang | 王燕峰

Executive president, Beijing International Chamber of Commerce Australia.Executive president, Australia Jing-Jin-Ji Chamber of Commerce.



Xiongwen Gu | 顾雄文

Expert Advisory Group Partner of City Medical Centre, a family of traditional Chinese Medicine.


Julie Yun Xia Zhuang | 庄云霞

Expert Advisory Group

Founder of LuLu furniture Pty Ltd.


Shuzheng Jie | 解书正

National first-class calligrapher. Currently a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphers Association、 the vice president of the China Dragon Culture and Art Development Association、and the calligraphy art director of the honorary president of the Chinese Yanhuang Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute.

国家一级书法师. 现为中国书法家协会会员,中国硬笔书法家协会会员、中华龙文化艺术发展联合会副会长、中华炎黄书画研究院名誉院长书法艺术总监。

Shiliang Fang | 房世良

Member of Chinese Calligraphy Association. Vice President of Hebei Academy of Calligraphy and Painting,Vice Chairman of Hebei News Calligraphy and Painters Association、Vice Chairman of Cangzhou Calligraphy Association of Hebei Province、 Master of Arts at Renmin University of China.

中国书协会员。 河北省书画院副院长,河北省新闻书画家协会副主席、河北省沧州市书协副主席、中国人民大学艺术学院硕士研究生。

Yongjun Ma | 马永军

Member of China Artists Association. Member of China Fine Brush Painting Association Distinguished Painter of China National Academy of Painting.


Long Zhang | 张龙

Painter and artist. Member of China Artists Association Deputy Secretary General of Cangzhou Artists Association of Hebei Province.


Ruisheng | 于瑞生

Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. Member of the Art Committee of the Art Service Center of the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Calligraphy Court of the Chinese Academy of Arts.


Rupeng Jing | 荆汝彭

Deputy Director of China Youth Calligraphy Education Committee. Consultant of China International Cultural Exchange Association Legal。Representative and Secretary General of China Shaolin Calligraphy and Painting Research Association and Chinese Culture Dissemination Messenger.


About Us

Australia China Cultural Promotion Association (ACCPA) is a not for profit
organization that aims to promote the cultural and economic development,
exchange and integration between the west and east, promote
understanding, friendship and cooperation between Australia and China, help
new Chinese immigrants to engage with local society by organizing a series of
activities and campaigns.


Closely working with other institutes and associations, ACCPA has organized
quite a few influential activities in South Australia such as “2020 We Are
Together—Online Concerts”, “New Immigrants Visiting- Town Hall”, “Chinese
Story Telling Competition”, “Living in Harmony with Nature” Arts Exhibition etc.


Our Purpose: Australia-China Cultural Promotion Association brings people of
insight from various fields and familiar with eastern and Western cultures
together. By holding a series of influential campaigns, it can effectively
promote the communication and interaction between the Eastern and
Western cultures, promote the inheritance of Chinese culture in Australia,
integrate and develop with local culture, and promote the all-round
development of Australia and China In depth promotions and cooperation.

Our Purpose